Why is it profitable to buy this tariff?
1. 10 years of access to poll results.
2. View the value of the filter: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month.
3. 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
# | Poll's functionality | Poll's Owner | Free view
in FAQ
| Poll Shop |
1 | Export poll results to Excel | yes | no | yes |
1.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
2 | Charts tab | yes | yes | yes |
2.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
3 | VUCA tab | yes | yes | yes |
3.1 | View the filters value: Country and Language | yes | no | yes |
3.2 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
4 | Correlation tab | yes | yes | yes |
4.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
5 | Pivot Tables tab | yes | yes | yes |
5.1 | View the filters value: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month | yes | no | yes |
5.2 | Add filters Continent and Country into columns | yes | yes | yes |
5.3 | Add filters Language, Year, Month into columns | yes | no | yes |
6 | Customized SaaS development 10 hours | no | no | yes |
6.1 | Clarifying and capturing requirements in Atlassian Confluence | no | no | yes |
6.2 | Task tracking in Atlassian Jira | no | no | yes |
6.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS development requirements | no | no | no |
7 | Modification of SaaS functionality for the Tariff User | no | no | yes |
7.1 | Availability of SaaS modifications during a paid subscription to the tariff | no | no | yes |
7.2 | Availability of SaaS modifications upon completion of a paid subscription to the tariff | yes | yes | yes |
7.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS versions | no | no | no |
How to use the tariff?
1. Create a Personal Account (here, you will need a valid email).
2. Buy any number of polls in the tariff:
1) Aksies van maatskappye in verhouding tot personeel die afgelope maand (ja / nee) 2) Aksies van maatskappye met betrekking tot personeel in die laaste maand (feit in%) 3) Vrese 4) Grootste probleme wat my land in die gesig staar 5) Watter eienskappe en vermoëns gebruik goeie leiers as hulle suksesvolle spanne bou? 6) Google. Faktore wat die effektiwiteit van die span beïnvloed 7) Die belangrikste prioriteite van werksoekers 8) Wat maak 'n baas 'n wonderlike leier? 9) Wat maak mense suksesvol by die werk? 10) Is u gereed om minder betaal te ontvang om op afstand te werk? 15) Redes waarom mense opgee (deur Anna Vital) 16) VERTROUE (#WVS) 19) Waar sou u volgende mees opwindende geleentheid wees? 20) Wat sal u hierdie week doen om na u geestesgesondheid om te sien? 21) Ek leef nadink oor my verlede, hede of toekoms 22) Meritokrasie 23) Kunsmatige intelligensie en die einde van die beskawing 25) Geslagsverskil in die bou van selfvertroue (IFD Allensbach) 26) Xing.com -kultuurassessering 27) Patrick Lencioni se "The Five Disfunctions of a Team" 28) Empatie is ... 29) Wat is noodsaaklik vir IT -spesialiste om 'n werkaanbod te kies? 30) Waarom mense weerstand bied teen verandering (deur Siobhán McHale) 31) Hoe reguleer u u emosies? (deur Nawal Mustafa M.A.) 32) 21 Vaardighede wat u vir ewig betaal (deur Jeremiah Teo / 赵汉昇) 34) 12 maniere om vertroue met ander op te bou (deur Justin Wright) 35) Eienskappe van 'n talentvolle werknemer (deur Talent Management Institute) 36) 10 sleutels om u span te motiveer 37) Algebra van die gewete (deur Vladimir Lefebvre) 38) Drie duidelike moontlikhede van die toekoms (deur Dr. Clare W. Graves) 39) Aksies om onwrikbare selfvertroue te bou (deur Suren Samarchyan)
3. We'll send you an email to the email given in the payment documents to arrange a kickoff meeting to define the scope of work for 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
GO TO ➡️ TARIFF «My SDT» ➡️ TARIFF «My POS +» ➡️ TARIFF «Opmeet» ➡️ TARIFF «Opname +» ➡️ TARIFF «V.U.C.A poll ontwerper» ➡️ TARIFF «PivotTables» ➡️ TARIFF «Borg's Lab»