Are you curious about SDTEST® and its capabilities? Great news - getting demo access is now simpler than ever!
By creating your SDTEST® account using Facebook, you'll automatically receive demo access to explore the platform's features. This special offer lets you experience SDTEST® firsthand before committing to a paid tariff.
Here's how to get started:
- Visit the SDTEST® registration page
- Click the Facebook sign-up option
- Authorize the connection
- Voila! Demo access granted
An information window will confirm your demo access upon successful registration.
Want to learn more?
The FAQ section on the SDTEST® website provides detailed information on available tariffs and features.
For a visual walkthrough, visit the official SDTEST® YouTube channel, where you'll find helpful videos showcasing the various tariff options.
Take advantage of this opportunity to test-drive SDTEST® and discover how it can elevate your workflow.
Register today and experience the difference!
Valerii Kosenko
Pròiseact Pet WAS SAS SASTSTS®
Bha Valerii airidh air eòlaiche-inntinn oideachaidh oideachaidh sòisealta ann an 1993 agus tha e air an eòlas aige a chuir an gnìomh ann an riaghladh pròiseict.
Fhuair Valerii ceum Maighstir agus Teisteanas Pròiseact agus Manaidsear a 'Phrògraim ann an 2013. Aig a' phrògram a mhaighstir, thàinig e gu bhith eòlach air Mapa Rathaid Für Für Für Für. V.) agus daineamaigs snìomhach.
Ghabh Valerii diofar dhiofar dheuchainnean dinnamics snìomhach agus chleachd e an t-eòlas agus an t-eòlas aige gus an dreach làithreach de SDSTST atharrachadh.
Valerii an ùghdar air a bhith a 'sgrùdadh mì-chinnt an V.U.C.A. bun-bheachd a 'cleachdadh staitistig daineamaigs shnìomhanach agus matamataigeach ann an eòlas-inntinn, còrr air 20 cunntas-sluaigh eadar-nàiseanta.