Why is it profitable to buy this tariff?
1. 10 years of access to poll results.
2. View the value of the filter: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month.
3. 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
# | Poll's functionality | Poll's Owner | Free view
in FAQ
| Poll Shop |
1 | Export poll results to Excel | yes | no | yes |
1.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
2 | Charts tab | yes | yes | yes |
2.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
3 | VUCA tab | yes | yes | yes |
3.1 | View the filters value: Country and Language | yes | no | yes |
3.2 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
4 | Correlation tab | yes | yes | yes |
4.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
5 | Pivot Tables tab | yes | yes | yes |
5.1 | View the filters value: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month | yes | no | yes |
5.2 | Add filters Continent and Country into columns | yes | yes | yes |
5.3 | Add filters Language, Year, Month into columns | yes | no | yes |
6 | Customized SaaS development 10 hours | no | no | yes |
6.1 | Clarifying and capturing requirements in Atlassian Confluence | no | no | yes |
6.2 | Task tracking in Atlassian Jira | no | no | yes |
6.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS development requirements | no | no | no |
7 | Modification of SaaS functionality for the Tariff User | no | no | yes |
7.1 | Availability of SaaS modifications during a paid subscription to the tariff | no | no | yes |
7.2 | Availability of SaaS modifications upon completion of a paid subscription to the tariff | yes | yes | yes |
7.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS versions | no | no | no |
How to use the tariff?
1. Create a Personal Account (here, you will need a valid email).
2. Buy any number of polls in the tariff:
1) Gnìomhan companaidhean a thaobh luchd-obrach sa mhìos a chaidh (tha / chan eil) 2) Gnìomhan companaidhean a thaobh luchd-obrach sa mhìos a chaidh (fìrinn ann an%) 3) Eagal 4) Na duilgheadasan as motha a tha mu choinneamh mo dhùthaich 6) Google. Factaran a tha a 'toirt buaidh air èifeachdas sgioba 7) Na prìomh phrìomhachasan luchd-siridh obrach 8) Dè a tha a 'dèanamh stiùiriche ceannard air stiùiriche? 9) Dè a tha a 'dèanamh daoine soirbheachail aig an obair? 10) A bheil thu deiseil airson nas lugha de phàigheadh fhaighinn airson obair air astar? 15) Adhbharan carson a bheir daoine seachad (le Anna deatamach) 16) Earbsa (#WVS) 17) Sgrùdadh Solas Oxford Oxford 19) Càite am biodh an ath chothrom as inntinniche agad? 20) Dè a nì thu an t-seachdain seo airson coimhead às dèidh do shlàinte inntinn? 21) Tha mi a 'fuireach a' smaoineachadh mun àm a dh'fhalbh, an-diugh no an àm ri teachd 22) Airidheachd 23) Eòlas fuadain agus deireadh sìobhaltachd 24) Carson a tha daoine a 'cur fo smachd? 25) Eadar-dhealachadh gnè ann a bhith a 'togail fèin-mhisneachd (ifd allensbach) 27) Na còig Dyspunctions aig Patrick Lencioni le sgioba 29) Dè a tha riatanach dha eòlaichean airson a bhith a 'taghadh tairgse obrach? 30) Carson a dh 'atharraicheas daoine atharrachadh (le Sioilgán Machale) 31) Ciamar a bhios tu a 'riaghladh na faireachdainnean agad? (le canafa mawa m.a.) 32) 21 Sgilean a phàigheas tu gu bràth (le Jeremiah Teo / 赵汉昇) 34) 12 Dòighean air earbsa a thogail le feadhainn eile (le Justin Wright) 35) Feartan neach-obrach tàlantach (le Institiùd Riaghlaidh Tàlant) 36) 10 iuchraichean gus do sgioba a bhrosnachadh 37) Ailseabra na Coguis (le Vladimir Lefebvre) 38) Trì Comasan Sònraichte san Àm ri Teachd (leis an Dr. Clare W. Graves) 39) Gnìomhan gus fèin-earbsa do-chreidsinneach a thogail (le Suren Samarchyan)
3. We'll send you an email to the email given in the payment documents to arrange a kickoff meeting to define the scope of work for 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
GO TO ➡️ TARIFF «My SDT» ➡️ TARIFF «My SDT +» ➡️ TARIFF «Sgrùdadh» ➡️ TARIFF «Sgrùdadh +» ➡️ TARIFF «V.U.C.A bhòtaidh dealbhaiche» ➡️ TARIFF «PivotTables» ➡️ TARIFF «Lab le neach-taic»