buku zochokera mayeso «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

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1. 10 years of access to poll results.

2. View the value of the filter: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month.

3. 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.

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1Export poll results to Excelyesnoyes
1.1View respondents' emailsyesnono
2Charts tabyesyesyes
2.1View respondents' emailsyesnono
3VUCA tabyesyesyes
3.1View the filters value: Country and Languageyesnoyes
3.2View respondents' emailsyesnono
4Correlation tabyesyesyes
4.1View respondents' emailsyesnono
5Pivot Tables tabyesyesyes
5.1View the filters value: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month yesnoyes
5.2Add filters Continent and Country into columnsyesyesyes
5.3Add filters Language, Year, Month into columnsyesnoyes
6Customized SaaS development 10 hoursnonoyes
6.1Clarifying and capturing requirements in Atlassian Confluencenonoyes
6.2Task tracking in Atlassian Jiranonoyes
6.3Intellectual property rights of SaaS development requirementsnonono
7Modification of SaaS functionality for the Tariff Usernonoyes
7.1Availability of SaaS modifications during a paid subscription to the tariffnonoyes
7.2Availability of SaaS modifications upon completion of a paid subscription to the tariffyesyesyes
7.3Intellectual property rights of SaaS versionsnonono

How to use the tariff?

1. Create a Personal Account (here, you will need a valid email).

2. Buy any number of polls in the tariff:

1) Zochita zamakampani mogwirizana ndi ogwira ntchito mwezi watha (inde / ayi)

2) Zochita zamakampani mogwirizana ndi ogwira ntchito mwezi wotsiriza (zowona mu%)

3) Mantha

4) Mavuto akulu omwe amakumana ndi dziko langa

5) Kodi atsogoleri abwino amagwiritsa ntchito mikhalidwe ndi luso lotani popanga magulu opambana?

6) Google. Zinthu zomwe zimakhudza gulu

7) Zofunikira kwambiri zofunika pantchito

8) Kodi chimapangitsa bwanji bwana mtsogoleri wamkulu?

9) Nchiyani chimapangitsa anthu kukhala opambana kuntchito?

10) Kodi mwakonzeka kulandira ndalama zochepa kuti mugwire ntchito kutali?

11) Kodi kusachita zinthu zilipo?

12) Kutsatira Ntchito Yantchito

13) Kuchita Zinthu m'moyo

14) Zomwe Zimayambitsa

15) Zifukwa Zomwe Anthu Amataya (ndi Anna Chofunika)

16) Kukhulupilira (#WVS)

17) Kafukufuku wa Oxford

18) Kupatsa Maganizo

19) Kodi mungakhale kuti mwayi wanu wotsatira?

20) Kodi mungatani sabata ino kuyang'ana thanzi lanu la m'maganizo?

21) Ndimakhala ndikuganiza zakale, zomwe zilipo kapena zamtsogolo

22) Zangomsi

23) Luntha lamphamvu ndi kutha kwa chitukuko

24) N 'chifukwa Chiyani Anthu Amachita Chidwi?

25) Kusiyana kwa amuna ndi akazi podzilimbitsa mtima (ngati allensbach)

26) Xing.com Kuyeserera Kwachikhalidwe

27) Patrick Lencioni's "

28) Chisoni ndi ...

29) Kodi chofunikira ndi chiyani kwa akatswiri posankha ntchito?

30) Chifukwa Chomwe Anthu Amakana Kusintha (ndi Siobhán Mchale)

31) Kodi mumawongolera bwanji momwe mukumvera? (ndi Nawal IstafA M.a.)

32) 21 Maluso omwe amakulipirani kwamuyaya (ndi Yeremiya / 赵汉昇)

33) Ufulu weniweni ndi ...

34) Njira 12 zopangira kudalirana ndi ena (ndi Jurnin Wright)

35) Makhalidwe a wogwira ntchito waluso (ndi talente yoyang'anira inshuwaransi)

36) 10 Chinsinsi Cholimbikitsa Gulu Lanu

37) Algebra of Conscience (wolemba Vladimir Lefebvre)

38) Zinthu Zitatu Zosiyana za Tsogolo (lolemba Dr. Clare W. Graves)

39) Zochita Kuti Mumange Kudzidalira Kosagwedezeka (wolemba Suren Samarchyan)


3. We'll send you an email to the email given in the payment documents to arrange a kickoff meeting to define the scope of work for 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.

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